Daily Lenten Meditations Pope John Paul II

This book is a small representation of John Paul II's teaching presented as a help to those who wish to live the Christian Church's season of Lent more meaningfully. It can also meet the interest of inquirers who wish to know something of the Pope's message to Christians and of his hopes for a world in which the respect for truth and the knowledge of God's love bring joy and peace to the hearts of many.

Pope John Paul II's pontificate was one of the longest and most eventful of the whole history of the Catholic Church. More importantly, this Pope's enduring and courageous preaching of the Gospel message throughout the world has meant that an unprecedented number of people have been exposed to its challenging and invigorating influence. People of the most varied cultures and degrees of Christian commitment have listened to this ambassador of Christ as he addressed their needs and concerns while digging deep into the words of Jesus. Many have been moved to take up the Gospels themselves and rediscover their ongoing relevance while others have felt their devotion to the Church strengthened.

Father Max Polak is currently Catholic chaplain to the University of Tasmania (Australia). For more than sixteen years he was chaplain of Warrane College at the University of New South Wales and also served as Catholic chaplain to the University of Waikato (New Zealand). Before beginning studies for the priesthood, he completed degrees in aeronautical engineering at MIT. Later, before being ordained as a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature, he studied in Rome and at the University of Navarre (Spain), presenting a doctoral thesis in patristic theology on Saint Ambrose. He has published an earlier anthology of texts of Pope John Paul II as well as articles in a number of newspapers and magazines on topics of theology and bioethics. He was ordained in 1975.

UPC (no spaces or dashes): 9781568545301
ISBN (no spaces or dashes): 9781568545301
Author (Last, First): Pope John Paul II, Edited by Fr. Max Polak
Pages: 100
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