Daily Missal 1962 Regular Print Leather White

This beautiful and practical personal missal contains the text and prayers for the Tridentine Mass, also known as the Traditional Latin Mass, the Traditional Roman Rite, or the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, being the Mass promulagated by Pope St. John XXIII in 1962 and being the form of the Mass experienced by almost all the Catholic faithful before the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

Completely updated in accord with Pp. Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter "Summorum Pontificum," this new printing of the classic Baronius Hand-Missal includes 115 engravings, many digitally remastered, all the Masses of the Liturgical Year, in Latin with English translation (Biblical texts are from the Douay-Rheims) according to the Roman Calendar of 1962, the Ordinary of the Mass, in Latin with English translation, a Liturgical Calendar with table of Moveable Feasts up to AD 2066, the complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962 (including the Office of Tenebrae), Common Masses of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin, supplement of special Masses for the Dioceses of the USA, England and Wales, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand as well as feasts celebrated in particular places and in certain religious congregations.

With Votive Masses for the days of the week, Votive Masses for various occasions, Masses for the Dead (including infants), Complete Burial Service, Prayers for the Dead, Marriage Service and Nuptial Mass, the Kyriale, in traditional Gregorian chant notation, including tones for the Asperges and the Vidi Aquam, texts for Vespers and Compline, as well as a summation of faith, prayers, hymns, litanies, and so much more, this missal is not just useful for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but for all occasions in a Catholic person's life.

Leather cover. Gold leaf page edges. Gift boxed.

Please note: We try hard to ensure we always have 1962 Missals in stock. However, there may be a delay in fulfillment of orders if orders are delayed by the publisher. Please contact Generations to check on-hand quantites if necessary.


Size (inches): 4.25 x 6.75
Pages: 2248
Temporarily Out Of Stock
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