We are proud to carry ecclesiastical appointments from a variety of domestic (U.S.) and international artisans and manufacturers. Please find below a selection of product catalogs of the high-quality brands we represent.
If you are ready to place an order or have any questions, please contact our Church Goods divisions at (800) 743-7155, Opt. 3 or ChurchSupply@generationsreligiousgifts.com.
Catalog pricing subject to change.
Abbey Brand (U.S.A.)
Alviti Creations (U.S.A.)
Ars Sacra (Poland)
Beau Veste (U.S.A.)
Cathedral Candle Co. (U.S.A.)
Cathedral Candle Co. - Easter (U.S.A.)
Cathedral Candle Co. - Eximious (U.S.A.)
Cavanagh (U.S.A.)
Celebration Banners (International)
Cribari Altar Wine (U.S.A.)
Demetz Art Studio (Italy)
Desta (Italy)
Ecclesiastical Apparel (Africa)
Emkay Candles (U.S.A.)
Excelsis (U.S.A.)
Flynn Manufacturing (U.S.A.)
Gamma di Felisi (Italy)
Hermitage Art Company (U.S.A.)
Koley's Inc. (U.S.A.)
Molina (Spain)
Murphy Robes (International)
PEMA Woodcarvings (Italy)
Pep Industries (U.S.A.)
Regal Bronze (U.S.A.)
Santa Teresita Statuary Co. (Peru)
Solivari (Italy)
Theological Threads (U.S.A.)
R.J. Toomey (International)
Ulpe Wood Art (Italy)
Woerner Industries (U.S.A.)
F.C. Ziegler Co. (U.S.A.)